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Are you getting ready to take the Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) Board exam and having trouble finding helpful prep materials and resources?

We hear you!

We had the same problem over the years so we've created a comprehensive study guide (122 pages, 2nd edition) and a full mock exam (150 multiple choice questions in the same style and format as the actual exam).

We have over 30 years of experience in the field of sports nutrition and have now put all of these years into these study materials to help aspiring sports RDs achieve the CSSD credential.

Board exam materials are not cheap so we wanted to give you a free sample of pages that include the table of contents for the study guide and then 4 practice questions with answer key, content areas addressed and rationale.  If after viewing the sample pages you decide this is what you need, excellent!  Grab our study guide (Introductory price of $125) and mock exam (Introductory price of $45).  Save by purchasing together as a discounted bundle.


Please review the free Comparison Chart of CSSD Exam Content Areas for Past Exam and Current Exam before purchasing Pro-Style Nutrition CSSD Prep materials.

Free Sample Pages of our Study Guide (2nd edition) for the CSSD Board Exam

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